Outdoor activities and world exploration

Break free from boredom—step outside and explore the great outdoors with interactive walks and a variety of challenges created by fellow community members.

You can discover user-generated activities such as quiz walks, guided tours, workouts, geocaches or treasure hunts anywhere in the world. You can also contribute to the growing community of adventurers by creating activities for others.

Community reviews

What our users are saying


“Great way to explore and find new activities to do with the family.”


“When bored, just select an activity and go explore”


“I mainly look for the workout activities. Great way to get some exercise!”


“Perfect for family adventures! The kids love finding hidden geocaches”


“My favorite way to explore new cities. Brilliant concept”


“I like the variety of activities. Adds a lot of fun to a simple walk.”

Unleash your creativity

Create outdoor activities for others, or find activities created by the community.

Find outdoor activities anywhere in the world. Anything from Quiz walks, geocaching, easter egg hunts or workouts. Why stay at home and be bored when you can go outside and have fun?


Create outdoor activities for others and send them on an adventure.

🌍 Explore

Do official activities created by the studio, or do activities created by other users.

🏆 Compete

Compete against others, get live updates on the leaderboard to see who's winning.

Latest news

Find the latest news and information about about geoquestr and the community.

Tip of the day

Did you know you can organize an easter egg hunt?

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